Sunday, October 3, 2010


oh its just a good thing that I am not getting graded on my blogging...I would have failed miserably...I just can't "Get Into it"........hmmm lets see....since the last post....

Fall is here...LOVE this Season...

Mariss & Zach are in Boston on vacation and I've had the kids (Taylor, Drewsey & Jhett) for a couple of nights, then Taylor went with her Dad for the weekend & Drews & Jhett went with Barb & King, the "other" Grandparents to the OSU Game & to Brian & Rachlle's for the weekend...I will be getting them again tonight and staying tonight and Monday night and Zach & Mariss w/be home Tuesday night...the kids miss them but are doing fine...Mariss and Zach are having fun but I know they really miss those little ones!!!

Here is a pic I took of Jhett with my Phone @ the playground at school...he's sucha cutie! (see above, still not sure how to post pics correctly)....