Sunday, October 3, 2010


oh its just a good thing that I am not getting graded on my blogging...I would have failed miserably...I just can't "Get Into it"........hmmm lets see....since the last post....

Fall is here...LOVE this Season...

Mariss & Zach are in Boston on vacation and I've had the kids (Taylor, Drewsey & Jhett) for a couple of nights, then Taylor went with her Dad for the weekend & Drews & Jhett went with Barb & King, the "other" Grandparents to the OSU Game & to Brian & Rachlle's for the weekend...I will be getting them again tonight and staying tonight and Monday night and Zach & Mariss w/be home Tuesday night...the kids miss them but are doing fine...Mariss and Zach are having fun but I know they really miss those little ones!!!

Here is a pic I took of Jhett with my Phone @ the playground at school...he's sucha cutie! (see above, still not sure how to post pics correctly)....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday 9-18-2010

Not much to write about...Larry rode for Piper & Loren today...they're gathering the cattle off of the Allotment...there is someone coming tomorrow to look @ the cattle to buy...the WHOLE herd...I hope they get them sold for the price that I've been told...that would help alot!! I stayed home and mopped the kitchen/dinning room floor, did 3 loads of Laundry, folded clothes, did some dusting and NAPPED...all is good....Mariss and Zach, Drews & Jhett are at the OSU game this weekend...Taylor went to her dad's...she was said that her mom & sister/brother were leaving & she was going to her dad (friday) so we went to lunch with her great her all cheered up...
Tomorrow (Sunday) I plan to go to Debbie's to sew...need to finish the binding on the quilt.....
Fall is as good as here....the leaves on the trees are turning....I love the Fall Season but never look forward to the cold Winter'd think after FIFTY years, I would get used to it...just really wish it could be Fall forever!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

with sad regrets

my sister and her husband are selling the Ranch, cattle, Vester Creek...the "whole Sha-Bang"...just something that has to be done...makes me sad to have to say because I know my Sisters passion/love/heart is in Ranching and the Cattle Business...I know they have worked hard over the years to fulfill this dream and its time for them to move the years when people were giving me a hard time for always having my camera with me clicking away, I am glad I did...I have literally hundreds of pics of the life and times of Piper & Loren....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend @ Vester Creek

some pics of the weekend...
old miners cabin up Dewey Creek
Piper & Joe Larson pushing cattle up Dead Injun
can you see the ladder in the cabin??
Deer Creek Guard Station...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

today Sunday 8/15/2010

Had an awesome day today...Larry & I went to town this morning to keep Jhett & Drewsey while Zach & Mariss played in a Softball we took the kids to the game...I had sucha good time watching the games, really had a much better time than I ever thought I would...Jhett & Drews were both very good and it was just a very nice day....Mariss and Zach's team even won it!! They were thrilled as they were playing against the "young kids" (highschool kids) and the last game was VERY close....

Monday, August 9, 2010


Really trying hard to keep current....last night while out watering the colts/horses, it sure felt and seemed like Fall....I love the Fall Favorite Season infact...I remember as a kid growing up on our Ranch in Izee, when Deer Season was upon us, it was my fondest memory(ies)....we had hunters come from all over to hunt on the Ranch...they loved our family and all of our Ranch Life that went with it...I remember getting super excited for all the people to show up...Piper, Me & Dad used to "wrangle" the horses early early of a morning to get them ready for the hunters to was always soooo fun....going hell bent for election chasing the horses the brisk morning hours.....

The smell of Fall....when I say that, I wonder how many people are thinking, "Molly, have you lost it?"....I love the smells that arrive with the Fall.....and the driving out to Piper & Lorens cabin at Vester Creeek & taking in all of the colors~

So, in mentioning Fall, I hope it gets here quick!!! Maybe we'll have a L O N G Fall this year?? I can only hope!

The picture I posted above was one of my many trips to the Cabin in October of 2008....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

its been since APRIL....

big deep sigh....since April....I just can't get "with it" on here....I will post some more pics of my life happenings since the last post and give a breif update~

May......hmmmmm went to Drewsey's Trike-a-thon...enjoyed watching her in her boots riding laps on her tryke! And Taylor watched her sister pedal while Jhett slept most of the time

We went to Darren Kimball & Danielle Smith's wedding...It was BEAUTIFUL!! Chance was in the Wedding Party, so we got to see him in a TUX!!!

June.......hmmmmmmmmmmm: The girls came & rode, brushed up on their playday skills! while Jhett ate dirt, or contemplated eating dirt!!

July.........oh lets see....Drewsey Ann Williams turned FOUR!!!

and here we are August! Our oldest sister, Colleen came up from Oklahoma for a visit....its always so nice to see her...wish she lived closer but she really loves her new home & Oklahoma...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

still failing...

first off...I totally forgot what the name of my blog was!! Then couldn't remember my password....

its been awhile.....

Just got home from a trip to Weippe, ID to my Aunt Bessie Snyder's Funeral...took mom and we had an awesome time...lots of laughs....I will never forget her comment on our way home...."Well Molly, I'm glad you took me...I doubt that I will ever be back to Weipee again"......that kinda made me sad....but I too, am happy that she got to go and I got to take her.....

I will add pics that I took and will work really hard @ keeping more updated here....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

long time

I knew I would fail miserably at keeping current with this blog....THEN I even forgot my dang sign in info...grr...its great to be can use the "I'm old"excuse and maybe slide by....
Hmmm lets see, since the last "blog" Piper and Loren had their big Branding...Pics are still @ her house on my camera so I'll get those added in due was a HUGE success, only three wrecks in the Branding Corral (not good) but a good time was had by all....
Chance and Lindy stopped by breifly was sooo good to see her!! Its been awhile (hmmm maybe since Xmas??) since we've seen her...she's hard @ work in Joseph putting in her Student Teaching time.....
Little Jhett seems to be on the mend, thank God...he's sucha character....he's all smiles now...Taylor and Drews are doing fine........
Well....sorry this is so some chicken breasts frying..........I will try to do better updating...

Monday, March 8, 2010


Monday...gotta love Monday....can't have been too bad...I was late for work by about one a good coffee @ Log Cabin (thanks Heide) and started the day...THEN the snow started....looked like it was going to really put in down, but it stopped....Whew!

Came home, decided to skip on the walk with Kori (tomorrow it'll be a date for sure) packed wood in, fed horses, colts, dogs and goat....Chance is coming down tonight, he needs to find a pickup....

My life isn't too exciting.....oh ...the big Stout Branding will be this weekend..always look forward to that....!!

Well, better get.......

this picture is one I found on the internet...I love me that ahhhhh feeling!

Have a good night~


Saturday, March 6, 2010

forgot to add...

Her name is btw..."Tootsie"........

working some cows

The horned cow is Piper & Loren's...she is ANCIENT (old old old) hasn't had a calf in YEARS but she will be with them til she dies...I think Piper plans to mount her head when/if she does ever go to Longhorn Heaven...that was last that I heard....they ran her in a gave her shots (NOT in the chute though) just cuz.....

Today we went & helped Piper & Loren work some of the replacement heifers and some cows and Larry's few head he's got there. IT was the most georgeous day you could have asked for....went smooth, no mishaps other than Loren cut one of our tags out of our heifers ears and put one of THEIR tags in was a mistake (yeah right) but we all got a kick out of it as he had asked Larry "is number 452 your Heifer" and Larry responds ..."Nope" when everything was done...all were ran thru the chute I can hear Larry talking to himself "hmmm I can't believe I missed one of my heifers" well, we all got a good laugh out of it...Loren "stole" one of Larry's Heifers right under his nose!

I am headed to Debbie's to work on my quilt again..I really enjoy that...just takes you "somewhere" leave all of your worries/thoughts at the door...its soooo relaxing to sew for me...who'd of thought??? Last night we sewed and had alot of good was great...guess thats all the excitement for a 50 year old ey??

working cows

Headed down to watch/help Larry, Loren & Piper work their heifers and a few cows...looks to be a BEAUTIFUL day in Grant County....

latest and greatest of Little Man Jhett

this is one of Jhett's "silly" poses...but I love it when he smiles like this..gotta capture all the crazy stuff too...he's sucha good baby...and apparently he is now walking using his push toy...

Taylor Drewsey Jhett

and their parents;
Zach & these guys!

thanks to Bobbi Jo...I am trying to learn how to "blog"

There will probably be alot of trial and error (LOTS OF ERROR) on this as I'm trying to figure it out....hmmm think I'll try to put a picture on here...

Ok, the picture I posted is of AJ...our dog that we had to put to sleep about a year ago...he was such a cool dog...I really miss him sooo much...the good thing tho, we DO have a pup of his, well "Junior" really isn't a pup anymore, he's four I think, but he sure tries to fill his dads footsteps but just hasn't suceeded "yet"........RIP AJ Dog