Monday, August 9, 2010


Really trying hard to keep current....last night while out watering the colts/horses, it sure felt and seemed like Fall....I love the Fall Favorite Season infact...I remember as a kid growing up on our Ranch in Izee, when Deer Season was upon us, it was my fondest memory(ies)....we had hunters come from all over to hunt on the Ranch...they loved our family and all of our Ranch Life that went with it...I remember getting super excited for all the people to show up...Piper, Me & Dad used to "wrangle" the horses early early of a morning to get them ready for the hunters to was always soooo fun....going hell bent for election chasing the horses the brisk morning hours.....

The smell of Fall....when I say that, I wonder how many people are thinking, "Molly, have you lost it?"....I love the smells that arrive with the Fall.....and the driving out to Piper & Lorens cabin at Vester Creeek & taking in all of the colors~

So, in mentioning Fall, I hope it gets here quick!!! Maybe we'll have a L O N G Fall this year?? I can only hope!

The picture I posted above was one of my many trips to the Cabin in October of 2008....


  1. MOLLY! Bite your TONGUE, woman! Fall can wait just a bit longer... I mean, what about SUMMER!? I can barely stand the thought of my babies going back to school this fall, and Britt into the first grade this year, which means I will be alone almost ALL DAY LONG! It is going to be DEVASTATING for Big Mama, to say the least. But I love your story about when you were a little girl on the ranch, and I know you do love the fall. I'm just SAYIN', what about summer? Love you, Molls! And all your pictures!

  2. ok ok ok...just for YOU Bobbi Jo...Summer can continue...FALL can begin in...oh about Sept. 30th....anything for my dear friend!
    Love ya!
